마블사측에서는 그러나 친근하고 도장 된 어린이 연예인 형태로 어린이를 유인하기 위해 수수께끼 같은 초자연적 인 괴물 단체 인 (마블 히어로)과의 치명적인 만남 이후 사라진다. 그의 형제 실종의 맹목적인 진실을 받아들이고 답을 찾는 것을 거부하면서 빌리는 비벌리 마쉬 (마블 영화) 리치 토지에 (인피티니 파트 .1) 마이크 한론 (포인트) 긴장된 스탠리 우리스 (마블 영화속에서 나오는 히어로) 새로운 아이. 역사가 (진실을 알아 내기 위해, 그들이 페니 와이즈의 은신처로 여행 할 때 최악의 두려움에 직면하여 아이들에 대한 두려움과 잔치를 끌어 내려는 악마의 광대 한 노력을 혼란에 빠뜨렸다. 위에서 언급했듯이, 스티븐 킹의 작품에 대한 많은 개작이있어 거의 한 두 가지 매년 또는 그렇게 나오기. 그러나 큰 (마블 영화 또는 작은 히어로 이야기) 화면에 대한 많은 적응과 마찬가지로 대다수는 탁월한 몇 가지 예외를 제외하고는 평범하고 적절한 상태 수준에 도달합니다. 불행하게도, 위에서 언급 한 대부분의 (기억에 남고 잘 알려진 스티븐 킹 (마블 히어로 영화)의 적응은 최근의 노력에 대해별로 언급하지 않고 수년 전에 석방되었습니다. 그 대표적인 예가 영화 다크 타워 (마블 캐릭터)입니다.이 타워는 많은 사람들 (여러 감독이 거의 10 년 동안 개발 중임)이 매우 기대했던 것입니다. 그러나 장편 영화의 단편적인 단편이었다. 와스타 파워에도 불구하고, 이 영화는근원 자료, 뻔뻔스런 대화, 흥미롭지 않은 프레젠테이션의 뼈없는서사와 거의 모든 수준에서 인상을주지 못했습니다. 기본적으로이 영화는 왕의 가장 사랑스런 이야기 중 하나에서 유래 된 영화이기 때문에 큰 잠재력을 지녔지 만 큰 실망이었습니다. 에서 나온 그러한 부정적인 비난으로 많은 사람들이 성공할 것이라고 기대했습니다. 영화가 실패했습니다. 몰랐던 사람들에게 스티븐 킹 (마블 시네마틱 유니버스)은 ​​1986 년에 발간 된 원작으로 킹의 문학 카탈로그에서 가장 유명한 책 (다크 타워 시리즈 외) 중 하나가되었습니다. 결국이 영화의 이야기는 작은 화면에 적용되어 1990 년에 미니 시리즈가되어 긍정적 인 리뷰를 얻었으며, 많은 찬사를받는 배우, 가 를 묘사합니다. 워너 브라더스 픽처스 마블사에서는 영화를 장편 영화로 만들려고 노력하면서 2009 년으로 나아갔습니다.
Marvel heroes movies


Marvel heroes
A review of Marvel’s Black Panther
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-09 | CATEGORY : Movie
I’ve written numerous movie reviews on my blog. In the current review, I’m once again teaming up with my brother Amahl to discuss Marvel’s Black Panther. According to Yahoo, the film has already made an estimated $192 million over three days, putting it on track to surpass its $200 million production cost, and smash ..
Marvel heroes
A review of Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War Part One
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-04 | CATEGORY : Movie
While my blog has distinct areas of focus and associated principles, I like to leave room for movie reviews. As stated in my bio, I have a love for Science Fiction and Super Hero movies going back to childhood. This review will thus focus on the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) much anticipated Avengers: Infinity War Part One ..
Marvel heroes
A review of Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-01 | CATEGORY : Movie
While my blog has distinct areas of focus and associated principles, I like to leave room for movie reviews. As stated in my bio, I have a love for Science Fiction and Super Hero movies going back to childhood. While I normally team up with my brother Amahl as we recently did for Blade Runner 2049, I’m going to tackle Thor..
Marvel heroes
A review of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-27 | CATEGORY : Movie
I recently wrote a review of the Tupac biopic All Eyez on Me. Prior to that, shortly after starting my blog, I co-wrote movie reviews with my brother Amahl Dunbar for Marvel’s Dr. Strange and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – both of the Super Hero and Science Fiction genres. We followed those two films up with a review of Hidden ..
Marvel heroes
A review of Marvel’s Dr. Strange
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-23 | CATEGORY : Movie
As described in my bio for the Big Words Blog Site, both my brother, Amahl Dunbar, and I are “Fanboys” and have a love of science fiction and superhero feature films such as those produced by DC and Marvel. In addition to having an abundance of books in our home at an early age, we both developed a love for comic books. These ..
Marvel heroes
A review of DC’s Justice League
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-18 | CATEGORY : Movie
While my blog has distinct areas of focus and associated principles, I like to leave room for movie reviews. As stated in my bio, I have a love for Science Fiction and Super Hero movies going back to my childhood. In this review, I’m going to give my thoughts on the DC Extended Universe’s (DEU) Justice League movie starring Ben ..
Marvel heroes
A review of Blade Runner 2049
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-17 | CATEGORY : Movie
While my blog has distinct areas of focus and associated principles, I like to leave room for movie reviews. Both myself and my brother Amahl love movies, particularly the science fiction and super hero genres. We’ve teamed up on quite a few reviews thus far (see the end of this post). My blog’s last movie review was of Marvel’s ..
Marvel heroes
A review of Hidden Figures
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-16 | CATEGORY : Movie
I recently co-wrote movie reviews with my brother Amahl Dunbar for Marvel’s Dr. Strange and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – both of the Super Hero and Science Fiction genres. This review will switch gears slightly and focus on a film with more of a historical focus; Hidden Figures based upon the book Hidden Figures: The ..
Marvel heroes
Avengers: Infinity War and the Choice between Love and Victory
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-13 | CATEGORY : Movie
Before Joss Whedon made 2012’s The Avengers and changed the caped crossover game forever, he created an arguably even more influential T.V. show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Despite its gothic overtones, Buffy had the rhythms of a superhero story, with special powers, recurring villains, and big deaths and resurrections..
Marvel heroes
Avengers: Infinity War part I - The Mad Titan
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-09 | CATEGORY : Movie
Thanos is the only person in Infinity War who faces that choice — sacrifice who you love or else see your grand plans fall to ruin — and finds the will to make the sacrifice. That horrible strength is the one thing he has over our heroes — more than his powers or his weapons or his guile — and it’s what lets him win this war. He is ..
Marvel heroes
Avengers: Infinity War part I - Too Many Capes
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-07 | CATEGORY : Movie
Unfortunately, Infinity War has trouble keeping up with the scads of characters who have accumulated on the MCU’s rolls in the course of that decade. While the Russo Bros. managed to strike a delicate balance in Captain America: Civil War, servicing a broad set of characters in a single story, they can’t quite manage the same ..
Marvel heroes
A Superheroic Trolley Problem
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-05 | CATEGORY : Movie
Still, despite the movie’s ungainliness, the unifying force of Infinity War is how so many of its far-flung characters face the same type of choice throughout the film. Time and again, the movie focuses on moments where one person could have stopped the threat of Thanos (or at least severely hindered him) but cannot bear what it ..
Marvel heroes
What the Future Holds
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-02 | CATEGORY : Movie
Predictions are a fool’s game, but there are a few things to remember in the shadow of that devastating finale. First and foremost, the heroes lost in Thanos’s final blight were, by and large, the new blood of the MCU. The likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Dr. Strange are far more likely to anchor the next decade of Marvel ..
Marvel heroes
Avengers: Infinity War part I - The Other Half
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-31 | CATEGORY : Movie
With all that moral weight and storytelling girth, Infinity War is not merely half a movie. It is, standing alone, a complete and harrowing story of single-minded devotion and loss, of good-hearted, courageous individuals unable to cross the line that could allow them to save everything while suffering unimaginable losses in the process..
Marvel heroes
Black Panther Makes the MCU a Deeper, Richer Place
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-30 | CATEGORY : Movie
Black Panther doesn’t have the aura of a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. Yes, it features allies and enemies we’ve met in prior outings like Age of Ultron and Civil War. Yes, it has a jovial vibe throughout its cast that buoys heavier moments. And yes, it has the mandatory, climactic third act battle, draped in CGI and stuffed with the ..
Marvel heroes
Thor: Ragnarok Wins with Comedy and Character, Even When its Story Sags
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-28 | CATEGORY : Movie
Some of the best aspects of the original Star Wars movie were its characters, its humor, and its surfeit of enjoyable, individual moments. The film’s special effects were innovative, and its famed myth arc was substantial, but the hero’s journey and all that technical splendor might have fallen apart if we hadn’t felt the warm, jostling ..
Marvel heroes
Behold the Awfulness of Showrunner Scott Buck in “Behold…The Inhumans!”
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-27 | CATEGORY : Movie
It’s hard not to feel the same bafflement about Inhumans showrunner Scott Buck. The biggest mystery left in the wake of “Behold…The Inhumans!”, the show’s first episode, is not how the titular heroes will cope with a budding coup, or what a seer’s prophecies mean, or even the vaguely-defined superpowers of the protagonists..
Marvel heroes
Spider-Man: Homecoming Stands Up for the Little Guy
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-26 | CATEGORY : Movie
The great promise of Agents of Shield and Netflix’s Defenders series was the idea that these shows would examine what happened when The Avengers weren’t around to save the day, in the spaces below their notice. The pitch went that these shows would dig into the meat and potatoes work of facing down threats in a world where ..
Marvel heroes
How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Rebukes Star Wars and Harry Potter
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-25 | CATEGORY : Movie
One of the best things about storytelling is that it offers a chance to walk in another person’s shoes, to step outside of oneself and have experiences that are not possible in most people’s day-to-day lives. But films, television shows, and novels also offer fantasy; they offer escapism and the chance to live out an existence, in two..
Marvel heroes
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Divides and Conquers and Delivers More More More
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-24 | CATEGORY : Movie
As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, each new franchise and sub-franchise must add more characters so as to provide new faces for the merchandise, and each fresh sequel risks becoming increasingly unwieldy and unmanageable. While Captain America: Civil War managed to thread that needle ..
Marvel heroes
Humor, Charm, and Creativity Save Guardians of the Galaxy from Stock Storytelling
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-23 | CATEGORY : Movie
So much of Guardians of the Galaxy’s story is achingly standard issue. This isn’t the first film to feature a collection of rogues and nobodies reluctantly coming together to save the world, and it won’t be the last. The tale of the dissolute young man who eventually learns to fight for something greater than himself is a well-worn one..
Marvel heroes
The First Episode of Iron Fist Can’t Get Past its Uninteresting Lead in “Snow Gives Way”
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-22 | CATEGORY : Movie
Not every main character has to be likable, or stay likable for that matter. Plenty of great works in all genres and mediums feature less-than-admirable individuals at their center. But even if the audience doesn’t like the protagonist, he or she still needs to be someone the viewer wants to spend time with. Especially in the early ..
Marvel heroes
Doctor Strange Both Subverts and Affirms the Usual Marvel Movie Complaints
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-21 | CATEGORY : Movie
There’s a recurring set of complaints about the “samey-ness” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The argument comes in several forms. One common strain posits that every Marvel movie simply follows a predetermined formula, involving some McGuffin (lately, an infinity stone), an undercooked villain, and an inevitable third act ..
Marvel heroes
How Daredevil’s Season 2 Finale Dragged the Whole Season Down
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-20 | CATEGORY : Movie
What is it, to be a cheesy voiceover montage in the last moments of a season finale? Do you have to try to sum up an entire season’s worth of themes using vague doublespeak and an army of cliches? Will you narrate over clips of our heroes looking vaguely sad or frustrated in the vain hope of wringing some pathos out of this ..
Marvel heroes
Captain America: Civil War Brings the Superheroic Back Down to Earth
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-19 | CATEGORY : Movie
Before Anthony and Joe Russo were directing superhero movies, they worked on a little show called Community about a group of misfits at a community college. The series, oddly enough, had a surprising amount in common with The Avengers. Both were about seven people from different backgrounds who bounced off one ..
Marvel heroes
Ranking: Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Hero and Villain
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-01-18 | CATEGORY : Movie
A battle between good and evil is a fundamentally satisfying thing, and over the decades, Marvel’s doled out more than its fair share. But with the advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, those battles became that much more visceral, employing actors of varying skill levels (mostly great) in one epic showdown after another..
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-08 | CATEGORY : File Search

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