Marvel heroes

A Superheroic Trolley Problem

WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-12 | CATEGORY : Movies
Still, despite the movie’s ungainliness, the unifying force of Infinity War is how so many of its far-flung characters face the same type of choice throughout the film. Time and again, the movie focuses on moments where one person could have stopped the threat of Thanos (or at least severely hindered him) but cannot bear what it would take to do so. At one point in Infinity War, Captain America tells a compatriot, “we don’t trade lives,” and that’s both the philosophy that unites each of The Avengers and, in a way, that also dooms them.

Loki could have avoided handing over the Space Gem to Thanos. But despite all their sibling rivalries, Loki cannot sit idly by while his brother dies at the hands of this monster. Gamora could deny her estranged father the knowledge of how to find the Soul Stone, but she gives up and gives in when she cannot tolerate seeing her sister, Nebula, enduring his torture. Eitri could have refused to craft the gauntlet for Thanos that makes his terrible deeds possible, but he’s willing to risk the fate of the universe in the futile hope it will give Thanos reason to spare his people.

Time and again, the individuals who could have stopped Thanos’s plan from succeeding cannot bear seeing their loved ones suffer or perish, and so his steady march to destruction continues.

Even the ones who try to make that sacrifice falter or dither until it’s too late. Though Star-Lord is eventually willing to follow Gamora’s wishes that she be killed instead of permitted to fall into her father’s hands, Thanos’s use of the Reality Stone sees that his efforts come to naught. And worse yet, it’s Star-Lord’s emotional connection to Gamora that causes him, in his the throes of his grief and anger at her death, to try to kill Thanos in a way that thwarts his allies’ attempts to simply stymie him for the time being. Once again, that sort of bond, reinforced here before it’s wiped away, is what causes Star-Lord, and The Avengers more broadly, to fail.

It’s the same thing that keeps Scarlet Witch from being able to quell this threat either. Vision is just as direct as Gamora in asking the woman he loves to let him die rather than risk the fate of galaxy on his account. But Wanda refuses and delays and does everything in her power to hold onto him, even with the world in the balance. Eventually she, like Peter, relents and, in a harrowing moment, removes the Mind Stone from Vision, seemingly stopping Thanos once and for all. But by then, Thanos has the Time Stone, and in the film’s penultimate gut punch, he rewinds the clock and renders her actions horrifically moot.

He’s able to undo all of this because Thanos himself is the only character in the film willing to make that type of impossible choice and make it without hesitation.

When a long-absent Red Skull returns and instructs Thanos that in order to obtain the Soul Stone, he must sacrifice something he loves, Gamora believes she’s won the day. After all, there’s no way the father who treated her as he did, who put her through what he has, could love anything, let alone her. But there are tears in Thanos’s eyes, tears that expose Thanos as something other than the monolithic bastion of evil he’s seemed until now. Instead the film portrays him as someone who knows what must be done, who accepts the costs that must be borne, to achieve what he believes must be achieved in order to save the galaxy from itself.

So he bears those costs. He throws his own daughter to her death and claims the fruits of his sacrifice. He offers sympathy to Scarlet Witch but undoes her own hard choice to serve his goals. He snaps his fingers and half the world comes to an end, as familiar faces shatter and blow away into nothingness.

It is an emotional wallop, for the film’s surviving heroes and for its audience. The one figure in Infinity War who most threatens the galaxy is also the only one willing to sever those bonds, to go to those lengths that The Avengers cannot bring themselves breach, and he wins the day because of it.
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-08 | CATEGORY : File Search

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