Marvel heroes

Avengers: Infinity War part I - The Other Half

WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-02-03 | CATEGORY : Movies
With all that moral weight and storytelling girth, Infinity War is not merely half a movie. It is, standing alone, a complete and harrowing story of single-minded devotion and loss, of good-hearted, courageous individuals unable to cross the line that could allow them to save everything while suffering unimaginable losses in the process.

Despite the movie’s overstuffed roster and variable quipping, the Russo Bros., MCU head honcho Kevin Feige, and Marvel Studios as a whole deserve to be applauded for delivering a film built around such a singular, unifying set of moral choices, one that commits to the painful consequences of its heroes’ actions with a conviction not seen in major franchise filmmaking since The Empire Strikes Back.

Those final moments — where heroes young and old, and the hope for the future they represent, disintegrate and fall away like ash — are heart-rending in the best and worst way. They’re accompanied not by maniacal laughs or vainglorious boasts, but instead by impressionistic reflections on whether this fraught endeavor was worth it, and quiet smiles at an alien sunrise. Infinity War is full of choices that allow it to transcend popcorn thrills and previz action and become art, by whatever definition you carry into the theater with you.

But the film is also a question waiting for an answer, a cinematic dangling participle, that makes the bold choice of leaving the viewer with the images of brave men and women fading to nothing, while implicitly gesturing toward an inevitable aftermath. As the shock of those images fades, they coalesce into a call that demands a response.

Avengers: Infinity War presents the story of a man who will sacrifice what he loves most in order to, by his own measure, save the world, when no one else is willing or able do the same. But it also asks, and leaves open the question, of what the heroes we’ve been watching for ten years will do, the depths of self-sacrifice they will embrace, when there’s never been more to avenge.

There’s another half of that equation. And the film’s jewel-covered glove reaches out what’s to come in the next chapter, as much as it clenches into the fist that strikes so devastating a blow at the end of this one.
WRITER : Admin | DATE : 25-03-08 | CATEGORY : File Search

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